Columns of Interest
Jul 21, 2021
What is Neo-Impressionism?
Neo-impressionism is a style of painting that emerged during the late 19th and early 20th century. It was a smaller off-shoot of Impressionism, and the two styles share many similarities, such as an interest in the depiction of light, and the observation of everyday life. But the two styles are also distinct from one another.
Dec 18, 2020
Mathematical Harmony in Renaissance Art
Music and mathematics share more in common than is typically realized of them. Many of these connections were made by Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher, who was frequently alluded to in many images about or including to Music in the Renaissance period in many famous works such as Raphael’s The Ecstasy of Saint Cecilia and The School of Athens and Pinturicchio’s Musica and more.
May 9, 2019
Multiculturalism in the Cappella Palatina in Palermo
The Cappella Palatina in Palermo, Sicily stands as a visual and historical jewel. The building itself is a is the harmonic architectural hybrid of some of the most advanced civilizations of the time: Islamic, Byzantine and Norman, apparent within the nave ceiling, muqarnas framing, opus sectile flooring, mosaics and structure of the Cappella Palatina.
Oct 30, 2018
When James Abbott McNeil Whistler Sued His Harshest Critic - and Won
On a brisk November day in 1878, luminaries of the London art world and members of the press gathered in Old Bailey courthouse to witness an unusual trial. The American painter James Abbott McNeill Whistler was suing the eminent art critic John Ruskin for libel, his response to a particularly harsh review. Though the trial only lasted two days, it would become a source of bitter resentment for the rest of both men’s lives. More significantly, the lawsuit spurred a debate about the values of art, as well as the role and creative freedoms of artist and critic in society.